Lasso Vs AzonPress: What to Choose for Your Website?
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Are you an affiliate marketer who wants to generate more revenue from your affiliate website?
Yes? Then you can do so easily but obviously with the right tool. Having the best WordPress affiliate plugin can make a significant difference in your success. Lasso and AzonPress have gained attention because of their user-friendly interface and incredible features.
In this blog, we’ll introduce you to these two popular affiliate marketing plugins and next, we shift our focus to do a comparison between Lasso and AzonPress and discover which plugin can take your affiliate marketing effort to the next level.
So without further ado, let’s dive in.
Best WordPress plugins for affiliate marketers – Lasso and AzonPress
Affiliate marketing creates fresh opportunities to make money online. It lets you choose and promote products and earn a commission when someone purchases through your affiliate links. With the right tools, this process becomes easy and also helps you to earn more revenue through your website.
Lasso – at a glance

Lasso is a powerful affiliate marketing plugin known for its comprehensive set of features. The plugin has the capacity to make amazing product displays, manage affiliate links, and optimize revenue generation. Along with this, its reporting capabilities provide valuable insights into the performance of your campaign. Some of its key features include:
- Link management
- Products display
- Link tracking
- Link cloaking
- Link health checker
- Import link
- Integrate with Amazon
- Performance reporting
Lasso is a premium plugin, not everyone can afford it. Along with that, it doesn’t offer every feature that is required to run a successful affiliate marketing campaign.
AzonPress – at a glance

AzonPress is a widely popular WordPress plugin for affiliate marketing loved by users. If you want to earn more affiliate income and grow your site, then AzonPress is for you. The plugin can make products display with different layouts, has link management dashboards, and fetches product information from multiple affiliate programs even without API credentials. Some of its key features include:
- Product table
- Comparison table
- Customizable layouts
- Geo-targeting
- Accurate tracking
- Widget
- Text links
- Image links
- Bestseller list and more.
Moreover, AzonPress is able to provide you with all the functionality you hope for in one place.
Lasso Vs AzonPress – overview and features
Lasso and AzonPress both offer features for affiliate marketers. Here, we will make a feature comparison table of these two popular plugins, that let you make an informed decision about which one to choose.
Feature | Lasso | AzonPress |
Link Management | ||
Comparison Table | ||
Product Showcase | ||
Custom Product With Zero API | ||
Link Cloaking | ||
Customizable Layouts | ||
Advance Report Dashboard | ||
Geotargeting | ||
Best Seller List | ||
Auto 404 Checker | ||
Pricing | Starts at $24/ month | Starts at $2.58/ month |
Based on the provided comparison table, you can get insights into the features and functionalities offered by these plugins. It’s clear that, AzonPress provides a wider range of features compared to Lasso and at a more affordable price. Now, let’s dive into the common features of these two plugins and explore their differences.
Link management
Link management is a very crucial feature of any affiliate marketing plugin. This feature streamlines the process of creating, tracking, and inserting affiliate links on your website.

The link management feature of AzonPress simplifies the process of inserting affiliate links into your posts. Additionally, it automatically updates product information across your website whenever changes occur on the affiliate platform. This feature also protects the privacy of your affiliate links by concealing your affiliate ID from malicious eyes and ensuring your privacy throughout the campaign.

Lasso provides a centralized link management dashboard that allows you to easily organize links, group similar products, and optimize your content production. It also helps to find affiliate links faster, and display all your links right on the dashboard.
High converting Product display
It’s a well-known secret that, the better you display affiliate products on your website, the more sales rate will increase.

If you want the best presentation of your affiliate products then nothing can bet AzonPress, its product displays are best compared to other affiliate marketing plugins. With its customizable layout features, you get creative with your affiliate product showcasing. In this part, AzonPress stands out from the competition by providing tools and features that are needed to create visually appealing product tables.

Lasso allows you to showcase your products in a sleek and professional manner, making it easier for customers to browse and find what they’re looking for. It also provides different types of layouts for better presentations of your affiliate products.
Works with all affiliate program
Affiliate marketers are always looking for fresh and new ways, and working with any affiliate program can create these opportunities. Before many marketers just depended on Amazon to do affiliate marketing but now with the help of an affiliate plugin, it becomes easy to go beyond Amazon.

AzonPress provides you the opportunity to increase your affiliate revenue. That’s why it lets you do affiliate marketing with any platform of your choice without API credentials. The plugin automatically fetches products from Etsy, Amazon, and eBay simply by putting in the affiliate link.

Lasso has the capability to work with any affiliate program, for that you will need API credentials. The plugin allows you to do affiliate marketing with platforms like Amazon, Awin, Rakuten, and more.
Advanced report dashboard
The advanced report dashboard feature of an affiliate plugin provides a detailed and comprehensive view of your affiliate link’s performance.

Imagine you used an affiliate plugin that has all the features but without a neat dashboard, how do you manage all of your affiliate links? AzonPress offers an advanced reporting and analytics dashboard that provides all the nuts and bolts details of your affiliate links such as Total click, Unique click, Total view, Country, and a Click Tracking Report. The best part of this feature is, that it presents visually appealing charts and graphs to make it easier to understand the performance of your affiliate links and opportunities for improvements.

Lasso offers a performance-tracking feature that enables you to track and monitor your affiliate marketing approach. It provides reports on various aspects like website performance, Revenue, clicking, and tracking rate of your affiliate links.
Affiliate marketers are often looking for an affiliate plugin that offers both functionality and a reasonable price. AzonPress is the most affordable affiliate marketing plugin on WordPress. Its pro version pricing plan starts from only $2.58 per month. Now you think how reasonable is it!. And the interesting matter is It offers all the features in its every pricing plan.

Lasso pricing is relatively higher compared to other affiliate plugins. The pro plan starts from $24 per month, quite expensive! Furthermore, it doesn’t offer all features at its every pricing plan.

Which is the best affiliate plugin for your website?
The best affiliate plugin for your website totally depends on which types of affiliate programs you are involved in and the features you prioritize. It’s a good practice to research and compare different types of affiliate plugins before purchase, but we can confidently say that nothing can beat AzonPress. As it provides every key feature at a pocket-friendly price.
However, AzonPress is a game-changer for those affiliates who want to enhance their website’s visual appeal and user experience. So, if you don’t use AzonPress yet, our suggestion would be to give it a try and see the positive impact it can bring to your website.
Best of luck for your affiliate marketing approach.
Have a good day.
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